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您還怕膽固醇嗎?Are you afraid of cholesterol anymore?

2019 年歐洲營養學期刊發表了一項為中國首個雞蛋與心血管病的研究,共追訪了28,040名廣州地區並沒有心血管病的研究對象長達10年。結果發現,每星期進食7隻或少於1隻雞蛋,心腦血管病及死亡風險並沒有差異。研究並發現,每天1隻雞蛋可稍為降低中風風險。 事實上, 美國於2020年的膳食指南中,已剔除膽固醇的最高攝取量。 人體的膽固醇,只有2成來自飲食,8成在肝臟及小腸合自行合成。當攝取量不足,人體會自行製造膽固醇。 身體需要膽固醇的三大作用: 1. 製造細胞壁 2. 製造膽汁以幫助消化脂肪 3. 合成維生素D來製造荷爾蒙 正常人體能自行協調,若身體出現問題,未能協調膽固醇的製造多寡,膽固醇太多或太少,便會影響我們的健康。 不要再以為雞蛋是沒有營養的食物,雞蛋含有膽固醇外,也有豐富的蛋白質,卵磷脂,維生素B,礦物質。 這麼多年,我們錯怪了雞蛋😭! In 2019, European Journal of nutrition published the first study on egg and cardiovascular disease in China and total of 28040 subjects with no cardiovascular disease in Guangzhou were followed up for 10 years. The results showed that there was no difference in the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and mortality when eating 7 or less eggs weekly. The study also found that by eating one egg per day, it is slightly reduced the risk of stroke. In fact, the U.S. dietary guidelines for 2020 have eliminated the highest cholesterol intake recommendation. Only 20% of cholesterol in ...

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